Renfrew High School


Minutes of Parent Council Meeting – 25th November 2015



Present- B Burke (Head Teacher),L Jack(Chair),W Arbuckle, C Calderwood, C Stewart, L O’Neil, A Howat, J Kennedy.


Apologies- F James, J Aitken, J Hogg, J Shaw, A Hunter, M Timlin, A Lay


Invited speakers from Community Resources, Renfrewshire Council Catering Department– Janice Fanin(JF), Shona O’Neill


School Catering Services Update


JF explained purpose of visit. She explained that they were visiting schools to update on the changes to school menus and catering procedures. These had been reviewed to help reduce waste and reduce queues.

JF explained that they had spoken to the Pupils for their input and thoughts following the changes. She explained that hot meals would still be provided and this would take into account all dietary preferences.

JF stated that they were looking at ways of supplying meals in the social area. This should further reduce queues. They were looking to purchase more cash machines to facilitate this. Unfortunately these are expensive and they were looking at the cost of purchasing refurbished ones.

JF also explained that the food van that is in the playground would be returning at some point in the future. These are owned and run by the Council. She explained that they only have two vans and are having difficulty at present staffing these due to sickness.

Concerns were raised that these menus were not readily available to the pupils. BB explained that more advertising would be required. He also stated that these menus could be made available on the school website.

JF finished by saying that she could be contacted by e mail if there were any questions or concerns.


Minutes from previous meeting


These were seen as a true reflection of the meeting by the group.


Matters arising


Work experience discussions have been concluded.


UCAS application process is still ongoing. BB explained that packs had been issued to S6 pupils at the start of the session and that updates have been provided via email and at assemblies. Pupil Support staff have been meeting pupils and giving feedback on personal statements. If pupils need any further advice or support then they can bring these up with BB directly.

The school website is currently being upgraded and there will be a page designated to UCAS when it is complete.


Rights respecting schools


This will be discussed at the next meeting in January.


Senior phase curriculum


BB stated that there are initial discussions with HQ regarding the amount of subjects being made available for 4th,5th and 6th years. Some discussions and thought were put forward by the group and BB said that he would take these forward. He explained that these discussions were ongoing at Council level and no decision had been made. He also explained that discussions were taking place between schools and colleges. BB will send out summary points.


Head Teacher report


BB will forward this on separately.


Date of next meeting
20th January 2016