Study Leave Masterclasses
During exam leave, we are offering extra study sessions for most subjects. These sessions are optional, however they would be very beneficial for all National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher pupils. RHS Masterclass 2022
During exam leave, we are offering extra study sessions for most subjects. These sessions are optional, however they would be very beneficial for all National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher pupils. RHS Masterclass 2022
Please click on the link for the e-sgoil online Easter Supported Study Schedule for all learners. 2022 Easter Study Support timetable
We understand the importance of our young people having time at the Easter holidays to relax. However, please find attached some S5/6 Easter study sessions for those who would like to attend. Easter school S5 Thank you Miss Calderwood
We understand the importance of our young people having time at the Easter holidays to relax. However, please find attached some S4 Easter study sessions for those who would like to attend. Easterschool S4 Thank you Miss Calderwood
Do you or someone you know feel overwhelmed? Please use the link below to access Renfrewshire Council's early help services for mental health and wellbeing. There is also a Renfrew parent drop in which you can attend and get support. [...]
Dear Parents/Carers Over the next few weeks, our local authority is planning to ask all pupils in P5 to S6 to take part in a survey about their health and wellbeing. The findings will help our local authority to understand the [...]
PC minutes Jan 2022
PC minutes Nov 2021
PC Minutes Sept. 2021