Dear Parent / Carer,
I hope you and your family had a great summer break. It has been a pleasure to welcome our young people back to school this week, looking smart and full of energy and excitement for the year ahead. I have met all pupils at assemblies and in classes to wish them an enjoyable and successful year ahead at the school, and to remind them of the expectations we have and the opportunities ahead. I am looking forward to another year of progress and success for Renfrew High, building on our considerable strengths as a school community.
Below is some key information for parents and, as ever, feel free to get in contact with us if we can provide any further support.
Pupil Photographs
Photographs for pupils in S1, S3, S5 and S6 will be taken on Thursday 25th August and can be purchased from the company directly.
Keeping In Touch
Our website is the main source of information about the school. It contains our school handbook, calendar, information about all aspects of school life and also contains many useful wider links. If there is information you would like to access which is not yet on our website please tell us.
We also use text messages to communicate with parents / carers so please ensure we have accurate contact details for you. We use Twitter to share news and celebrate success – find out more here and please follow us.
We use an app called SatchelOne to communicate with pupils and parents about school work. Teachers can assign tasks, give notice of assessments and provide feedback using this tool. Parents can use it to maintain an overview of progress and you can find out more here. If you need any assistance with logging in to the app please contact our office.
We encourage parents to contact us straight away with any information about our pupils or questions you may have of the school. A close partnership between school and home is essential for the wellbeing and success of our young people. The first point of contact is your child’s Pupil Support Teacher and please call the school office to speak with them as required:
Clyde House – Lyndsey Keenan
Dee House – Emma Martin
Forth House – Cameron Malcolm
Kelvin House – Graeme McKechnie
Tay House – Lynsey O’Neil
A Depute Head Teacher is responsible for each year group:
S1 and S2 – Derek Milligan
S3 – Martin Paton
S4 – Karen Shaw
S5 and S6 – Andrew Sutherland
You can access our full staff list here.
We will always try to get back to parents as soon as possible and certainly within 24 hours.
Parent Meetings
If you would like to see a member of staff in person, please call ahead to make an appointment. We cannot guarantee to be able to see anyone without an appointment due to the commitments staff have, which includes teaching classes.
Parents have the opportunity to meet class teachers at key points in the year – normally to discuss a progress report issued in advance.
Dates for this session are:
S1 – Info Session 1st September/ Parents’ Evening 10th January
S2 – 16th November
S3 – 1st March
S4 – 6th October and 9th February
S5/6 27th October and 26th January
Parent Council
All parents are members of the wider parent forum, whose views are represented by members of the parent council. You can find out more here. All parents are invited to join the parent council and if you would like an informal discussion about what is involved, feel free to contact our current chairperson Maureen Kerrigan by email on Parent Council Renfrew High School or call me at the school.
Parent Pay
Renfrewshire Council operates cashless payment for school lunches and school events such as trips. Please note that this system is not operated by the school, however we do try to help with any enquiries parents may have. More information is available here.
Support for Families
We are very aware of the various pressures families have experienced in recent years, and especially at this time due to the cost of living crisis. As a school we are firmly of the view that education is free for all, and there will never be any costs to pupils and families for core educational experiences. Some extra-curricular opportunities require additional funding and we may ask for a financial contribution. Please note that some financial support is available via the school. We receive grants and raise funds to help vulnerable members of our school community. We are also able to help with items of clothing for school, and equipment pupils need for school.
I know this is a sensitive issue, however I encourage parents to call us confidentially to discuss any support we may be able to give. Contact your child’s pupil support teacher or depute head, or feel free to contact me directly.
Financial support is available from Renfrewshire Council for school meals and clothing grants – more information here. Some pupils aged 16 and above may also qualify for Education Maintenance Allowance – more information here.
Do you have any items of school uniform which are no longer needed? Donations are most welcome and will be used to help other families. Clothing can be handed in to our school office.
Your Views and Ideas
We are committed to continuous improvement and the views of everyone who is part of the school community forms a vital part of this process. You can find out about our progress last session and priorities for the year ahead here.
We gather views in various ways, such as online surveys, and parents can expect to be consulted on different aspects of school life throughout the session. Surveys are issued by text or in-person at parents meetings. Suggestions and ideas are welcomed at any time – you can contact us here.
Finally, I would like to extend you and your family my best wishes for the school session ahead and assure you my staff team and I will continue to work as hard as we can to bring further success to Renfrew High School for all of our young people. Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you in the school at events throughout the session.
Billy Burke
Head Teacher