Subject Overview
Why Study A Modern Foreign Language?
A language is an extremely useful asset in the world today. If you visit another country and you travel beyond the places where the tourists gather, you quickly discover that the belief that everyone understands English is largely a myth. The reality is that only 6% of the world’s population speak English as a first language. 75% of the world’s population don’t speak any English at all!
French is an official language is 29 countries and spoken on every continent in the world. It is the official language of the UN, Médecins sans Frontières and the Red Cross.
Other reasons to learn a language include:
• Better understanding of different cultures and the English language
• Enhanced confidence
• Wider understanding of current affairs
• Making travelling easier and more enjoyable
• Increased employability/job options
Modern Languages Online Resources
In the MFL department of RHS we use a variety of ICT to enhance teaching and learning such as Promethean interactive boards, IPAD’s, Activote and designated ICT periods.
We also use a range of interactive websites including: (see teacher for username and password)
Finally, we have developed our own departmental website which provides all our pupils from S1-S6 with valuable resources to further their language learning and skills.