The key purpose of the curriculum at Renfrew High is to promote “A better future for ourselves as individuals, as a community and as a planet“
We are committed to making a difference for our young people, the community around them and the planet that we all inhabit. Over the past few weeks we have been working with S1 Learning for Sustainability classes and the school Eco Committee to explore the topic of Fairtrade. Pupils took part in various learning challenges during FairTrade Fortnight and together, as a year group, worked together to earn the “FairAware” award for the school.
Pupils completed a product audit of the school by speaking with different staff members within to find out where FairTrade products were already being used. A teacher audit was carried out by a participating staff member where we gathered information about where FairTrade is discussed in various departments and at what level. We then completed a series of lessons looking at different aspects of FairTrade and the impact it has on people’s everyday lives.
Here is what some pupils thought of the project:
“I found the whole thing very interesting. I didn’t know what FairTrade really meant before and now I do. It’s such an important cause.” Noor Saeed S1
“It was good to learn about how FairTrade helps people around the world and the difference they make to people’s lives. I’m glad I know more about these issues and FairTrade.” Katie Hendry S1
“It is important for young people to discuss these issues and be aware of what is happening in the world around us. These are things that need to be discussed and I’d like to see more of this in schools.” Layla MacLeod S1
One of the teachers involved, Emma Martin, said “the lessons were great and I definitely learned something. The pupils were really engaged with the subject which was excellent to see.”
So what’s next in Renfrew High’s Fairtrade journey? We will build on the work done already in achieving this award and will ensure that FairTrade is something that is given attention across the curriculum. Pupils and staff are committed to contributing to a fairer world and will continue to identify ways to get involved.
Congratulations to the pupils and staff for achieving this award!