Committed to Ongoing Improvement

Involving our School Community

Renfrew High is a very successful school – this is in part due to the way we evaluate and reflect on our progress and plan for further improvement. One of our key aims is to ensure that everyone has a voice in the ongoing improvement of the school. All staff contribute to self-evaluation and improvement planning at individual, team and whole-school level.

We regularly seek the views of pupils to improve their learning experience and we consult with parents through the partnership with the Parent Council and by gathering individual views via questionnaires and focus groups.

If you would like to know more abut how we involve pupils and parents in school improvement please contact us.

We were last inspected in February 2018 – read the report here. Find out more about the inspection here.

Standards and Quality Report 2024 and School Improvement Plan 2024-27 Year 1

This outlines the progress we made with our improvement priorities last session, our key strengths and successes, and includes how we have evaluation ourselves against the National Improvement Framework Drivers.

The report can be found RHS SQR 2023_24.

The school improvement plan outlines our key priorities and the tasks that will help us achieve this. Access the document here: RHS SIP 24-27 Year 1

Standards and Quality Report 2023

This outlines the progress we made with our improvement priorities last session, our key strengths and successes, and includes how we have evaluated ourselves against national quality indicators.

The report can be found here.

School Improvement Plan 2023-24

This outlines our key priorities and the tasks that will help us achieve this. Access the document here: RHS Improvement Plan 2023-24

In the video below, senior pupil leaders talk about our improvement plan.