
Every learner is entitled to support to enable them to get the most from their time at school. This includes at transition points, such as starting secondary school or moving on to a positive, sustained destination.

All children and young people need support to help them learn and develop. The needs of the the learner will be central to the identification, planning and provision of support. Support should be appropriate, proportionate and timely.

Universal Support

Universal support starts with the ethos, climate and relationships within the school, and this is the responsibility of all members of our learning community. We are committed to our core values – care, fairness, respect and trust – and are proud of the positive relationships at the school. We are inclusive, fair and focused on delivering learning to meet individual needs.

Conversations about learning, reviewing progress and planning next steps are central to this. We provide a wide range of opportunities for achievement throughout the curriculum – find out more here.

In addition, learners will have regular opportunities to discuss their learning and development with their Pupil Support teacher.  This is the key member of staff who has the holistic overview of the child or young person’s learning and personal development.

Targeted Support

Some learners require additional support, tailored to their individual situation. This could be at any points of their learning journey or throughout the journey. Barriers to learning may arise from various circumstances, such as specific learning difficulties, disability, social, emotional or behavioural needs, bereavement or family issues.

Targeted support also encompasses children and young people requiring more choices and more chances to achieve positive, sustained post-school destinations.

Equalities and Inclusion

Renfrewshire’s inclusive approach affords all children and young people the opportunity to be part of their learning community, boosting their emotional wellbeing and aiding the development of social skills. This approach is based on the core inclusive value of providing education for children within their own community as much as possible. Wellbeing assessment and individual planning is in place for all young people who require additional support.

Renfrewshire Council is committed to ensuring that all employees, customers and partners are treated fairly and with respect at all times. We are committed to promoting equality and tackling discrimination through the way services are planned, delivered and purchased. The council promotes and encourages a culture whereby equality of opportunity exists across all the protected characteristics of age, disability, race, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, religion and belief, marriage and civil partnership, sex and sexual orientation.

School education is open to all pupils and all reasonable measures will be taken to make sure that the curriculum is available to every child. The Equality Act 2010 introduced a new public sector general equality duty which requires Scottish public authorities to pay ‘due regard’ to the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, victimisation, harassment or other unlawful conduct that is prohibited under the Equality Act 2010
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a characteristic and those who do not and
  • Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not

In line with UNCRC, in Renfrewshire we place the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the centre of education.

The council supports the right of each citizen to a quality of life which is free from violence, discrimination and harassment. The council will take steps to ensure that all citizens, regardless of race, ethnic or national origin, religion, social background, marital status, gender, disability, age or sexuality have full access to its services, taking all possible measures to prevent discrimination in the way its services are delivered.

Parents can help to monitor our success in promoting equality of opportunity for all by providing equalities related information when asked.

Renfrew High School is committed to the promotion of equality and tackling any form of prejudice. We are a Rights Respecting School and we promote inclusion for all. Find out more about our policies and approaches:


Renfrew High School – CP guidance leaflet 24-25



Further Information and Support

Access our Pupil Support department website here.