Renfrew High School
Minutes of Parent Council Meeting – 20th January 2016
Present – B Burke (Head Teacher), L Jack (Chair), C Calderwood, L O’Neil, W Arbuckle, A Howat, M Hunter, A Lay, J Aitken, J Kennedy, C Stewart, C Thomas.
Apologies – F James, M. Timlin, J. Hogg
Minutes of previous meeting
These were seen as a true reflection by the group.
Senior Phase Curriculum
BB stated he had fed back the views of the Parent Council and the wider staff as part of the early discussions on this issue.
Rights Respecting Schools
Feedback from the group regarding the articles on the Rights of The Child and the four options that the group felt were most relevant. This will also be discussed at assemblies and S Conway to collate responses. These will be displayed in classrooms and corridors. The council would like to invite Mr Conway to a future meeting to get an update on progress on the selected articles.
School Holiday Dates 2017/2018
These were discussed for preference. Majority voted for option A.
Skills For Work Consultation (L O’Neil)
The group discussed which skills and attributes teachers could help children with to prepare them for work. They are as follows: interview skills with the possibility of having mock interviews, building confidence, coping with rejection, teamwork, how to recognise individual skills, time management, customer service and good communication skills and conduct for interviews.
BB asked if members of the council would be willing to be involved in mock interviews, several members were happy to help.
Head Teacher Update
BB will forward this on separately
Parking problems – There is an issue with parents parking on zig-zag lines outside the school gates. This problem is to be highlighted in next newsletter.
Heating problems – have been sporadic issues with boilers which have been addressed. One repair still outstanding – social area.
Recycling of S6 Blazers, ties, study books etc to be in place by the end of June.
Study Seminar for S4 – discussion took place about the timing of the event.
Parent study session – A discussion around whether there would be a further event for parents around the theme of studying. Similar to the Brian Costello input.
Date of next meeting
02 March 2016