Renfrew High School Parent Council Meeting
17th November 2017
Held at Renfrew High School
In attendance:
B Burke (head teacher), L O’Neill, M Hunter, J Kennedy, R Robb, P Kirkwood, A Howat, C Thomas, W Arbuckle, M Timin
C Stewart, P Philip, F Russell
Visitors: Councilor Jane Strang, John Shaw
Minutes of previous meeting: Proposed by M Hunter, Seconded by R Robb
Matter Arising:
From previous minutes – Toilet Facilities still being monitored
Head Teacher Update:
Billy advised not a lot to update due to the time of year.
Healthy Wellbeing – Martin Paton starting 9.2.18
Fully staffed in (P.E.)
Home Economics – 3 times have advertised, no applications, will keep trying. Proposed that there will be no certificate class start of next term (August). School looking at 4th year students going to Castlehead to look into covering certificate.
Current Vacancies: 18/19 Social Subjects – teacher possibly moving nearer home.
National Perspective – held school lead Scotland, four sections held in RHS last week, good turn out, hosting in February S.L.S.
St Mirren – through trust trying to re-establish employability, meeting Chairman/Executive, will provide update.
Prelim exams going well.
P Kirkwood is leading Community in School, looking at “app” in school, benefit will be school can provide feedback to the parents on updates of homework, how pupils are getting on. This is in early stages, still to go through process, engaging with other schools, feedback is positive. This will be piloted for a year, hoping that this will start beginning of February 2018. Other means will be available for pupils who do not have phones.
Billy looking for feedback against handouts given for Draft Learner Pathway:
At this stage they are speaking with pupils/parents regarding:
“What they want to do & what their goals are”
Vocational Qualifications was pointed out by Billy – how does the school prepare the pupils before going out, Mandy asked what the timetable was for this, what can be offered – school looking at what options/career pupils choose.
Construction – young people to be encouraged to look into this form of work, school has availability/skills – teachers available.
Retail – huge employer – school pupils already working in this environment.
Survey going to be going out o 2nd/3rd year – what do they want to do, changing choices to suit responses/requests.
Parent Council members asked to read over the handouts – views to be provided to Mandy for 30-1-18
Feedback to Mandy for the 26th re Parental and Community Engagement handout.
Billy looking at re-developing the front of the school, to look at FlightPath Fund – M Timlin to provide details from colleagues at the Airport.
Pupils will be participating in projects – “Pupils take over day” and “Radio” – Sunny Govan providing help.
Chair Update – Mandy
Forms have been handed into bank to change signatories – no time limit on this, forms will be coming back to the school from Bank of Scotland.
No liaison meeting updates, Mandy will provide feedback once had meeting.
Mandy forwarded the link on Bullying Policy, National Guidelines being reviewed.
Billy looking for availability on Tuesday 23rd at 5pm – Education Scotland visiting, looking for 1 hour of time if available.
Text messages – Billy to speak with office re communication through text, should only be sent out twice a day.
Exam timetable for April/May – if pupils are having to take their exam at another school, can RHS please make sure that they communicate with the School concerned, this should not be left to the pupils to arrange. P Kirkwood will make sure that everyone receives communication.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 28th February.