New Term

We had a very positive first week of the new term, and a great one for me on return from a brief career break.  I am delighted to be back at a time when Covid-19 health and safety restrictions have eased across the country and looking forward to a term which will be more ‘normal’ than any we have had for a few years.

Health and Safety

We continue to ask pupils, staff and visitors to follow some practical steps in relation to Covid-19. Routine testing is no longer required and the use of PCR tests will stop in Scotland from 1st May. Face coverings are no longer required, however we recommend their use in busy areas. Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands regularly and we will continue to provide hand-sanitizer around the building.

Changes from 1st May

The following is taken from Scottish Government guidance:

From 1 May, advice to people with respiratory symptoms including Covid-19 will change in Scotland in line with the Test and Protect Transition Plan published on 15 March 2022. The general public will no longer be advised to seek a test if symptomatic.

From 1 May, people with symptoms of respiratory illness in Scotland, including Covid-19, will be asked to follow general public health guidance which will be available on 1 May. As set out on the Public Health Scotland website, this new guidance will be published on NHS Inform and will broadly align with the current UKHSA ‘Stay at Home’ Advice.

In terms of children and young people the guidance will say:

When children and young people with symptoms should stay at home and when they can return to education

Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.

Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare, and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.

SQA Study Leave

Study leave for pupils who will be sitting national examinations begins from Tuesday 26th April. Pupils have been fully briefed on what to expect during this period of time and will be assisted by the team of invigilators who organise the administration of exams. The exam timetable is available here.  Teachers remain available for additional help for their pupils and will have shared arrangements for study classes / drop-ins – pupils should also see messages issued on SatchelOne.

Cereal bars are being provided free for all pupils sitting exams – collect from the Pupil Support base.

Pupils have been reminded they should wear school uniform when coming to school for study or for exams.

Pupils returning for S5 and S6 for session 2022-23 will return from 30th May – details will be shared via SatchelOne.


There are a number of pupil holidays during this term and details can be found on the school calendar. School closes for the summer term on 28th June at 1pm.

School Uniform

The vast majority of young people have returned after the Easter break wearing full uniform and I thank parents and carers for their support with this. If any young person needs financial assistance with uniform items they, or their family, can discreetly request this by speaking with their Pupil Support teacher or Year Head. Senior staff will monitor uniform this term and will be in touch where there are any issues.

I wish everyone in our school community all the best for a successful and enjoyable term ahead.

Billy Burke

Head Teacher