Dear Pupils and Parents,
This time last year not many would have been able to predict what 2021 had in store for us, and that is maybe just as well. However, throughout these past 12 months, the school community as a whole has demonstrated a firm commitment to our vision and values, delivered for our young people and made me very proud to be their head teacher.
In January we adapted to a new way of learning with lessons moving online, then in March we had ‘blended learning’ and after Easter we supported our S4-6 pupils through the Alternative Certification model – all unprecedented ways of working.
In August we were all hopeful that restrictions would further ease and we did get back to some level of ‘normal’ experience for our young people. The extra-curricular offer this past term has been impressive, and most recently we even managed a leadership retreat with S3 and panto trip with S1. We will hopefully be able to continue to offer wider opportunities for pupils in the months ahead.
As 2021 draws to a close, we should be hopeful for 2022. Challenges remain and restrictions will continue, however the science of viruses suggests that there will be a gradual reduction in its impact on our health and day-to-day lives.
Despite all the challenges and pressures faced, our young peopled learned, they achieved (we even raised attainment to new highs) and we did this, as ever, by working together with care, fairness, respect and trust.
We do not get everything right all the time, no human does, but we dust ourselves down and go again with a commitment to what we value and believe in. Learning is the key to a better future for us as individuals, as a community and as a planet. This is the new rationale for our curriculum and will guide the work we do from S1 to S6 across all subjects.
My very best wishes to you and those you love for Christmas and the new year. I will miss the school next term and hope it passes positively and without too many new challenges for you. I know the school is in safe hands and I look forward to seeing you all again very soon.
Merry Christmas,
Billy Burke
Head Teacher