I hope this latest update finds all members of our school community safe and well.
The information and updates provided here are pertinent to all pupils ad parents, including current P7s who will join the school in August this year. I hope you find this useful and, as ever, if you have any enquiries please get in touch with us via the Contact section of this website.
I continue to be very grateful to my staff team who are working really hard in unprecedented and challenging circumstances. Many have young children or other caring responsibilities and are doing a great job balancing all the demands placed on us. I am also very grateful to our pupils and parents for following the government’s advice, adapting to these circumstances, remaining positive and optimistic that things will improve, and showing understanding and gratitude for what the school is doing at present.
We will get through this by working together with care, fairness, respect and trust.
Best wishes,
Billy Burke
Head Teacher
Re-opening of Schools
The Scottish Government has recently set out a route map for schools and nurseries to reopen for children adn young people across Scotland.
You can read a statement from the Director of Children’s Services here.
It is now clear that we need to plan for session 2020-21 differently from normal as we continue to cope with the deadly virus COVID-19. Health, wellbeing and safety of all will be the first and foremost consideration as the school re-opens and we adapt to a blended model of part in-school learning and part at-home learning.
Senior staff have been working with key teams from the council and national bodies to develop plans and manage the risks involved. We will be open and transparent with all about how the school will operate and the restrictions which will be in place. We will also continue to seek views of parents, pupils and staff in the formation of plans and approaches.
The current approach means the vast majority of pupils will not return to school until the week beginning 11th August. Clear details of the August return will be shared before the end of term in June as staff return over the coming weeks to prepare.
Childcare Hubs
The hub for our pupils continues to operate at Trinity High school, supported by staff from Trinity, Renfrew and Park Mains High schools as well as primary colleagues. As June progresses the arrangements for hubs may change and details will be shared as and when they are available.
Home Learning
Staff continue to set learning activities for pupils in all year groups. These activities are not a direct replacement for face-to-face teaching but will ensure as best we can that pupils continue to stay active, engaged and make progress.
S4-6 qualifications have started earlier than ever before and we are confident that pupils will be well supported to be where they need to be in their learning for when school reopens in August.
In the coming weeks we will begin to increase the level of engagement across various subjects, including trials of live digital face-to-face sessions. Details will be shared directly with pupils via ShowMyHomework.
Next session home learning will be a core element of education for all our pupils. We are working hard to ensure everyone can access the tasks being set, however if there are issues with this please get in touch – particularly if fiance is a barrier to using adequate ICT equipment. We will work directly with all pupils in August to ensure they have the digital skills and resources necessary to fully access the curriculum on offer.
Primary 7 Transition to High School
We have a very strong partnership with our associated primary schools and transition activity for P7s took place from August last year. Almost all pupils visited the school on more than one occasion and various staff met them in their primary schools. We have also been getting to know pupils and families who will require additional support in high school.
Sadly, we were unable to have the planned induction visit in May. However we are hopeful we will be able to arrange for all P7s to visit us once again in late June. We will be able to explain what S1 will look like in the year ahead – very different to what we all expected but nonetheless we will provide the best learning experience we possibly can.
Support for Pupils and Families
This has been a tough time for everyone, and some have sadly experienced illness and bereavement. Our staff and key partners are still on hand for all our young people and families. We regularly contact various people to check-in, chat and support. If you would like to her from us please email us via the Contact section of this website, or reach out to a teacher via the ShowMyHomework tool.