Phased Return until Easter Break
On 2nd March the Scottish government announced that secondary schools would reopen for all pupils on a part-time basis from 15th March until the Easter holiday. For these 14 days the priority will be in-school learning and teaching for S4-6 pupils who are working towards national qualifications. S1-3 pupils will be offered some time in school to help transition back to full-time learning after Easter, subject to confirmation by the government.
Numbers attending will be limited and additional health and safety measures will be in place. Pupils must observe 2m distancing, wear face coverings at all times and follow hygiene rules. As ever, anyone feeling unwell should not attend.
Year Group Schedule
The schedule below follows the requirements set out in the most recent letter from the Director of Children’s Services.
S4-6 will attend one subject per day with home learning tasks set for that subject. S4-6 pupils should wear full uniform (unless their subject for the day is PE).
S1-3 will attend two half-day sessions per week, focussing on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing activities. S1-3 pupils should wear clothing appropriate for outdoor PE each day (with waterproof jackets in case of rain).
The weekly schedule is as follows:
Note that each session will have a staggered start for S4-6 pupils and S1-3 pupils. S4-6 pupils will be admitted at the start of the session with S1-3 pupils 10 minutes later to allow for distancing in stairwells and corridors. As there are no social spaces available pupils will not be admitted early.
Pupils will be informed directly by teachers (via SatchelOne) as to what subjects / staff / rooms they will attend on particular days.
Remote Learning
The remote learning offer will change for the 14 days this schedule will be in operation, due to the need for most staff to be delivering in person in school.
Senior phase pupils will be set remote activities to be followed during the times they will be learning from home.
S1-3 will be set tasks and activities in their subjects and will have some scheduled times to work remotely with staff where possible, however as mentioned capacity will be limited.
Covid-19 Asymptomatic Testing
S4-6 pupils who will be attending school now have access to testing kits. The tests can be collected from the school office in advance of coming in for classes – just call the office to arrange a consent form and a pick-up time. As indicated in the letter from the Director, testing for S1-3 pupils will become available next term. Although testing is voluntary I highly recommend all pupils take part in this as this will be an additional layer of protection against potential transmission of the virus.
Next Term
Hopefully, we can return to full-time in school learning after the Easter break and we will provide updates when available.
In the meantime I want to thank everyone in the school community for their patience, support and understanding as we adapt to a different way of working over the next few weeks.
Billy Burke
Head Teacher