The school session 2016-17 has been exceptional. From the first day last August when I congratulated everyone on the most successful SQA results yet, to the recent amazing school show, we continue to rise to the challenge I have set of raising the bar and being the best we can be.
I am incredibly proud of our young people, and of how well they are cared for and supported by staff, parents and partners. I will miss those who have recently left to take up the next challenges in their lives, and am looking forward to welcoming next sessions’s cohorts after summer.
More than a year on from the relaunch of our school vision and values it is clear that we are already realising our ambition for learning, achieving and working together with care, fairness, respect and trust. The excellent ethos and culture of our school is praised by members of the learning community and by visitors alike.
Read on for some of the highlights from this final term. You will find examples of the wide variety of learning experiences our young people take part in – in classes and through the wider curriculum. And a taste of some of some things yet to come . . .
Thank you to all our young people, staff and parents for your hard work and commitment this session. I hope you all have an excellent summer and I look forward to continuing to learn, achieve and work together with you in the new session.