Following the Scottish Government’s public health decisions over the past few days, this is an update for our pupils and parents. I will continue to provide information and updates as they are received.
S1-S3 Pupils
Many of my staff have volunteered to help with the effort to provide childcare for children of essential workers, and we should all be very grateful for this. The application and selection process has been manged centrally by Renfrewshire Council staff and they have communicated directly with parents involved. Any enquiries about this should be directed to
This service operates from Tuesday 24th March, and we will be open from 9am-3pm each day.
Staff who are working from home are focusing on providing learning activities for S1-3 and this will be communicated to pupils and parents via the ShowMyHomework tool, which has been in operation at the school for over two years now. In the main, tasks allocated will involve digital resources and there is a vast amount of educational material available online to support this.
S4-6 Pupils
The decisions to cancel the exam diet and to instruct pupils in S4-6 across Scotland not to attend school have been taken to protect public health. Our teaching staff will continue to work together, as guided by the SQA, to do all we can to ensure our pupils achieve the qualifications they deserve. Information on this will become clearer in the near future and will be communicated when possible.
Key staff will be contacting S4-6 pupils by telephone over the coming days to provide reassurance and support.
Please see this letter from the Director of Children’s Services: S4-S6
While the building will remain open to support the small number of S1-3 pupils described above, only essential staff – who have volunteered – will be in school. No one else should come to the school.
Any questions about S1-3 digital learning can be communicated via the ShowMyHomework app.
As indicated, we will contact all S4-6 families, so in the meantime please be patient and do not contact us first unless it is absolutely vital.
Any urgent enquires should be made by calling the school or by email – or via the Contact section of our website. We will respond to enquiries as soon as possible.
Keep up-to-date with important messages from us via Twitter and the website.
Prioritise Health
The current global health crisis is unprecedented, and our first priority at this time needs to be following the Government’s clear instructions in order to protect lives.
Stay safe everyone. Best wishes,
Billy Burke
Head Teacher